The Inevitable 'Paris & Nicole in Jail' Porno

The premise of porn studio Venom Digital Media's Paris & Nicole Go To Jail probably needs no further explanation, but on the off chance you're having a hard time fully grasping the ripped-from-the-celebrity-incarceration-headlines concept, here's the logline provided by the director: "[Paris & Nicole] find that life is different on the inside, and at first have trouble adapting, but soon learn how to get things in prison by becoming friendly with the warden, the guards, the inmates, things of that nature." What's more, Venom claims to have gone the extra mile by actually scripting the movie, which should allow for some priceless, timely dialogue; when "Nicole" tells "Paris" that she's "going to drive the wrong way on her pleasure freeway," fans of the real-life twosome's recent misadventures will know the filmmakers are making every effort to fully exploit their rich source material.

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